Home howto How To Wipe & Secure Your Android Phone Before Selling

How To Wipe & Secure Your Android Phone Before Selling


Hi everyone Moxin from howto Uganda l tech team now today I want to talk about a very specific problem that some of you may have faced and that is what you need to do before selling or giving away your phone.

I have a Tecno Camon CX  here which I am going to use to demonstrate the steps that you need to take so you’re going to be covering two broad topics one is to ensure the removal of your accounts all the accounts that you have signed into on this device plus all of your personal information that includes photographs contacts videos even whatsapp messages or any other data that you have stored and the other thing that you’re gonna cover is to make sure that you securely delete all the data that’s there so that it cannot be accessed again and that would be the last step before you actually do a factory reset so let’s get started with that.

so as you can see there are quite a few photographs on this device a lot ofother data as well these some of these are personal photographs they need to be removed and securely erased.

Now before we get to that I want to download the first app of today and that is called Norton clean so get Norton clean from the app store it’s called Norton clean junk removal as you can see it is a free

app it is also ad free so no worries about any of your data being compromised nothing malicious this is from Norton and what it does is it cleans up the junk files a lot of the cache the hidden clutter maybe even the old apk files as residual files so anything that is in danger of being accessed later you need to use this app and start it up and run it and that would be the first step in the process .

So after you run Norton clean it gives you a summary of all the information this phone obviously does not have a lot of it because it has been recently reset but you will have on an old phone a lot of these old apk files a lot of cache and miscellaneous junk files .

So just clean up everything and then you are good to move on to the next step now next the app that I want what to talk about is called unseen gallery.

So search for unseen gallery on the App Store once you get unstained unseen gallery here you can see also this is a free app and no ads you need to download and install unseen gallery and run it thisis specifically for the thumbnails or for files and images that are not shown to you in the main gallery app so run this by selecting your storage and click start so this will remove all of those files and then…

The last step before the reset and this is the most critical and especially if you are paranoid about

this the app is called shredded so SH re DD IT the shredded data eraser this is also a free app and with shredded what you can do is overwrite all of your existing files so you may already know that if just by deleting the files you are not actually moving them from your phone storage that’s just how the

digital storage works .

you will need to overwrite those files using one of these methods they call it shredding algorithms so you need to override those files in in order to make sure that they cannot be accessed again even if youknow the person tries to access all of the the data on the phone so once you install and run shred it then you are good to go for the final step which is the factory data reset and removal of accounts so here shows up your internal Storage select that and you can do a secure – erase of all the files .

now for the last

step before you do a faction he said you should ideally remove all accounts that you are signed into so

head to the settings page now keep in mind this may look slightly different on your phone depending on the Android skin that you are using in this phone the accounts that you’re signed into is listed under accounts however if you are unable to find it what you can also do is just type accounts in the search bar

on the settings page so anyhow here you will see that there is a Google account signed in with all the options clicked.

on you will see this more button at the bottom over there click that and click remove account so now that you remove your account you can move on to the last step which is the factory data reset if you are unable to find this again it may be in a different place on your phone just type reset on the settings page in this phone it is located here backup and reset and erase all data factory reset.

so once you do this then you are all set to give away or sell the phone and as secure and the knowledge that all of your data everything is safe from prying eyes just go through all of these warnings make sure that everything is backed up of course because you are not going to be able to get any of the erased data back again once you are done the phone will switch off and reset to factory settings and that is it.

if you have any questions do reach out in the comment section

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@howtouganda are always open you can also reachout there for some faster responses.



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